Thursday, May 8, 2008

Grade School Spring Program

The two youngest kids had their Spring Program tonight at school. It was quite the event. I have to say, they do stand out in a crowd. There was this one place in the show where the children were singing a friendship song. They all had to turn to their partner and carry out hand gestures and the like. G turned to his partner and discovered that his partner was absent. It was great, without missing a beat he turned to the audience, shrugged his shoulders and played to the audience as if we were his partner. Everyone was cracking up; I was in tears I was laughing so hard.
Then, W had to go up to the mic and read several lines. She did it flawlessly, of course the fact that she yelled into the mic while she was reading was politely excused by the audience. I believe they realized that she hadn’t a vast amount of experience with microphones. So, everyone made a slight jump in their seats and then cringed up a bit while they were enlightened as to how many different languages were spoken by the billions of people in the world. By the way, the theme for tonight was, “All people smile in the same language”.
Ironically, after spending the entire program singing and talking about the myriad cultures, languages, and people of the world the program ended with a good ‘ol version of I’m proud to be an American. All in all, the program was nice. The chairs were horribly uncomfortable but, hey I’m listening to Duran Duran now so the world is good.

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