Monday, May 12, 2008

Wildlife Good...Environment Necessary

The post tonight will be brief; yeah, yeah…don’t say it.

I thought I would point you to a direction that will help preserve wildlife. If you haven’t guessed it by now I’m a bit of an environment and animal person. I think it’s vitally important to take care of the earth and all its inhabitants and to me that means making a conscience effort to be involved. That being said here’s the link to the National Wildlife Federation website. If you sign up for the emails you’ll receive word when vital bills are being voted on regarding our environment and the beings within it. This will allow you to send a message to your congress(person) asking them to either vote for or against said bill. It will also provide you with lots of different information.

So with no further ado National Wildlife Federation


Charmi said...

Yeah, I'm on their e-mail list. Big surprise, huh?

maeve63 said...

Well Charmi, I'm surprised *kidding*
I know you appreciate wildlife and the environment, this is good, man. We kind of need it, you know?